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Flamenco shoes - Professionals
In this section of our website you will find all the designs, sizes and colors of the professional shoes that are in stock in our warehouse. To select a shoe in this section has advantages as it avoids the usual 45-60 days that are needed to manufacture a shoe and you can receive a new pair of Flamenco shoes at home in 24/48 working hours and free shipping included ! ( Only available in the Iberian peninsula).
In TAMARA Flamenco we have selected the best-selling models, sizes and colors with which, we are confident you will always find in this section a design that is to your liking, we also change our models according to the best-selling designs so we advise you to occasionally drop by and see the new designs we're adding to the stock in our warehouse. ☺
To see our stock is easy. You can go to the column on the left and pick your size to see what we have at the moment in our store for you, or if you want a particular model, you can go to product and see the updated stock in the chart under the photo. In the table we specify everything about the shoe from the type of heel to the type of material or the width that the shoe has, which will let you know at all times what you are buying.
Does the order arrive to your home and something about your new shoe doesn’t convince you? That’s ok! Everything you choose from our warehouse can be replaced. If you do not like the one you've received, replace the one you like with another one or order one entirely to your liking.